Easy to use text editor in mac vim
Easy to use text editor in mac vim

Vi/Vim is, of course, an extremely powerful text editor, which is infamously difficult to learn.

easy to use text editor in mac vim

We have higher standards, and things to get done, and that's why we'll be using MacVim. I'm sure your $DEITY will still love you. If you for some reason, need to have less features because due to some unseen yet crippling inability to teach your muscles to do something, which is a vim requirement, then by golly use something with an "easier learning curve". If you are are fearful, why, pay fear's price and fire up some 100 meg IDE and have it hold your hand and change your diapers. Of course, people program are not stupid, people who program on unix platforms are unafraid of complexity, or at least _were_ not stupid, and _were_ unafraid of complexity. Vim has a steep learning curve, like all things Unix.

easy to use text editor in mac vim


MacVim is gvim for os X, what an os X program should be like, combined with every optimization that code editing needs and thousands more that are "nice". Troll lurking under the bridge named /Applications. Vim on os X used to be like firefox, a thing from another place, a foul, alien and misshapen MacVim is an excellent version of gvim, easily the lushest and sexiest one i've ever seen. This is _the_ editor, unless you run emacs, and of course all those people, having internalized the concept of "false gods" have cheerily begun running textmate instead.Įnough about that.

easy to use text editor in mac vim

Well, exactly what I want are thousands of text specific features.

Easy to use text editor in mac vim